Saturday, July 24, 2010

Christmas in July?

What is Christmas in July? Well, today For Jamie's Sake along with some other fine folks held an event for children in SNAP (special needs adoption program). All of the children in this program have had their parental rights terminated due to NO fault of their own. For Jamie's Sake has worked for months in preparation of this big day. We got items together for the crafts and the beach baskets packed with goodies that Santa would give away.

Oh, my gosh we left early this morning. We needed to be in Lexington at 10:00 to start can do the math because it is a 2 hour trip so you can guess how early we left. When we got to the Ramada Inn (the location of the party) the kids and I along with other For Jamie's Sake volunteers immediately sprung into action. We started getting boxes and bags out of the vehicles and into the hotel. While we were doing this we were also on the look out for any child who possibly would register early that we could entertain.

Decorating...done...craft set up....done.....baskets ready for Santa to give away...done.....say a pray of blessing on the game face.....ON!!! Cody, Ellie and I worked in whatever role that was needed. Ellie worked for a long time making flip flop crafts with some children. Cody did the limbo, I did the hula hoop, and the kids and I showed them all how to cha cha slide.

I didn't have to tell Cody or Ellie one time to go help this child, go move a box, go do this or go do that. They were in full action help mode. Honest to goodness, I stood today in complete amazement of my children. I watched as Ellie listened attentively to a child tell his story. She helped this child with the shoes and made sure he was not alone all day. He became her buddy. In making this child her buddy for the day did not mean she didn't help others...negative! She was all over the place helping. Cody tossed frisbee, jumped rope and really allowed the boys to have a pal that was there all for them today. They both had the one child that pulled at their heart the most.

I found myself overly emotional at this event. I saw the children looking at the prospective parents wondering if they could be their new parents...there forever family. I saw the same look in the faces of the adoptive couples faces wondering if these children could possibly be their child in the future. I have been the hopeful adoptive mom at these types of events....the faces of the children forever touch your soul.

I pray that from today's event that children will find their forever families. Thank you God for Adoption! Thank you for adopting us into your family. God, I pray for all of the children everywhere without a loving forever family. God, thank you for this kindness journey. Thank you for Cody & Ellie!!! Thank you for the For Jamie's Sake volunteers and those individuals who support For Jamie's Sake. I will forever feel like I'm not doing enough to help find these children their own forever families. Wow, I can't imagine life without my family. Thank you God for each of them. Thank you God for my parents, my sister, my husband, my children, my niece & nephew, my cousins, my aunts & uncles, for my entire family.....God, I give you thanks for showed me sooo much kindness when you gave them to me. Praise be to God!

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Cody & Miss Ellie

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