Friday, July 23, 2010

telephone book and random???

Today's activity involved all 4 of us, the telephone book, 4 blank cards (and envelopes), ink pens, stamps and the post office. What did we decide to do you ask? Well, I called the entire family together into the dining room...I think they feared I was about to declare a "family meeting" That is where we discuss family rule changes, chore details, etc. I wasn't calling a meeting...I had the kindness activity for the day on my mind and it was time to get busy with it.

I placed the phone book on the table and slid it to Ellie first. The only rule, pick someone from the white pages that you do not know. I told her when she found someone to turn down that page (place a small mark by the name so you don't forget) I gave the same instructions to the boys as well. After we each selected 1 person a piece that we didn't know from the phone book I then handed them a blank card and told them to write this person. No need to worry, I wrote out what the cards would say on a piece of paper....all they had to do was write in the card. (just in case they needed help.)

We all enjoyed writing our cards to our randomly selected people and placing the smiley face just so so above our name. The hope is that the person who receives the card will be blessed and will pass on the act of kindness to someone else. I can tell you as we were writing the cards we found ourselves envisioning what our mystery friends looked like, if they would like the cards and if they would write us back. Nonetheless, whether they write us back or not we had a blast preparing the cards.

We all finished our cards, addressed the envelope and placed the stamp just where it belongs. The next step...the U.S. Post Office. We were headed out anyway so Elliott volunteered to take the cards and drop them off at the mail box at the post office. I really hope and pray that the people who receive the cards are as blessed as I am having worked on this project with my family. When we got to the post office Elliott made sure to separate the cards into city cards and out of town...2 cards are headed to Ashland people and 2 are headed to Flatwoods.

Thank you God for the phone book, for cards, for the 4 people we selected we don't know, thank you God for this kindness journey, thank you for my family. Thank you God for your kindness you continue to pour on us daily.

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then.....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie


  1. Leighann I get so inspired when I read your posts....who would have thought 20 (or more) years ago at Captain D's you would be an inspiration to not only me but to everyone who knows you. I don't get to see you that often but I just wanted you to know this. You are an amazing person and you have an amazing family!!! God Bless you and your family. Brenda

  2. Brenda, thanks so much for your very kind words. However, you must have me confused with someone else...I am only 25 so I couldn't have worked with you 20 years ago at Captain D's. HA!! You are my much older and wiser friend. You believe this don't you?? Ha, ha, ha!!
    This kindness journey has been an experience like no other.....truly amazing!!

    Love ya!! your Captain D's buddy :)

  3. That is such a great idea! I love it!
