Saturday, July 10, 2010

Can we pay for your prescription?

For several days, I have had this feeling we needed to go to CVS and pay for someones medicine. Was I feeling this way because I have been thinking about this time last year? This time last year Cody was so sick and many different medicines were used to treat him. Praise God we have great insurance...medical, dental and prescription. It was so costly even after the insurance paid there part. I can't imagine not having insurance.

We decided, we would go to the CVS on Lexington Ave. (the one where we ALWAYS get our prescriptions filled) and tell them we want to pay for someones prescription.

Okay, the kids and I headed to CVS (Elliott had Army drill and couldn't join us) on a kindness mission. We walked in and straight back to the pharmacy section. Once we arrived at our destination in the back, I explained to the pharmacy worker our goal. We wanted to pay for someones prescription....we knew they would know who needed it the most. Perhaps someone without insurance, with a sick child, cancer? You know best. I further explained, we don't want to know there name...we weren't asking for that information and that the person didn't need to know our name. The worker assured me she would research who needed assistance the most and would contact me back.

So, the kids and I left without helping a soul. Wow, I felt let down...I felt certain that this was where we were meant to, why didn't it work out?

After a couple of hours we headed back to CVS. I just kept feeling like this is where we needed to be today. I just knew someone needed our help there today. Please don't take this lightly, we pray for every act and when we have feelings like this we act on them. When we made the second trip, Elliott was with us, he had returned from his Army drill. We arrived at CVS and headed back to the back of the store. We were patiently waiting to speak to the worker we had spoken to early. We noticed she was still there, working hard I must add. As we waited for the worker I felt the urge to turn around in line. A lady, young mother, came up and I just felt the need to talk to her and offer to pay for her prescription. She looked at me and smiled and said, "yes, thank you." We chatted for sometime and to be honest, I think that meant more to both of us than paying for the medicine itself. She was thrilled with this act....she explained that she likes to perform random acts of kindness, when she can. She wanted to know if I needed a receipt, a copy of the prescription...anything. I said, "no, I just simply want to pay for your medicine for you."

I had an awakening....she was the reason it didn't work out on the first trip to CVS. We were supposed to be there at that particular moment and meet her. She was so thankful. The pharmacy worker told me she had left messages with some people who are ill to see if they would want us to pay for their prescriptions. It wasn't meant, at least not this trip, for us to pay for any one's medicine except for hers. The CVS worker assured me she would call if she gets any information. I know, even if she doesn't it is okay. We needed to be there, if for nobody else, for this lady.

I promise you, as I stood in line, waiting for the worker to come back with an amount we needed to pay for someones prescription. I felt like someone turned me completely around to see who was behind me in line. I knew then, why I had felt we needed to be there. Wow, I'm sometimes a little slow. I just need to let go and let God do it.....I was trying to make it work when I just needed to let Him handle it.

I knew we were meant to do the CVS act today...and was blessed having done so. God is awesome!!! I need to listen more when He talks and not try to do it my way. Have you been tagged with kindness? If so, hold it in your heart and then tag someone else with kindness. Kindness is contagious and it is sooooo easy!!

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then.....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

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