Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 31, family kindness day

Well, I'm posting this 5 days late. I'm so sorry. Where does time go? When I got ready to blog on Saturday it was storming and then again on Sunday and then the fast paced week began. Don't be worried, I may be behind on the posting but we aren't behind on our kindness journey. Tonight I will get caught up and will try (oh, yes I will try) to stay up to date with my blogs.

On Saturday, it was declared family day. As you may recall, Elliott & the kids had been gone all week at Trooper Island and we all longed to spend good quality family time together. I couldn't hardly believe it but we had NO plans for this particular day either. The day was honestly and truthfully ours. What did we decide to do you ask? Well, we decided that it isn't going to do us any good to be nice to others if we can't be nice to each other (in the family) So, we all had to go out of our way to be nice to each other. You wouldn't believe it, it is harder than it sounds. I know it sounds easy. It is so easy to go in separate directions in the house, my doing homework, Cody on X-box, Ellie doing crafts and Elliott watching a movie. This was NOT allowed on family kindness day. We were all meshed together as one unit, the way it should be, the whole entire day.

Cody made Ellie's bed and helped her hang her clothing up, Elliott had his coffee fixed and handed to him by Miss Ellie and Miss Ellie also worked on laundry. None of these activities are normal activities for us (the person doing them on this family kindness day) and they were out of the way. I made each one of them a card telling them just how special they truly are to me. Elliott left a note on the mirror for me and he helped the kids play games and clean their rooms. We stayed home and made sandwiches for lunch and well all helped make each others from the sandwich, chips and soft drink.

This helped create a sense of unity, togetherness,!!! This was sooo neat to spend the day thinking outside the box to make someone you love more than anything, happy. We live in a world that it is so easy to get caught up in the fast paced world (trust me, I know) and we lose focus on what is truly important in this life, family. A family, is God's gift to us. I thank him so much for my family.

Ellie made cards and gave them to each one of us as well. Cody actually enjoyed helping his sister and I never thought I would live to see the day that they worked on their bedrooms without being told let alone to work on each others. WOW!!

Ellie wanted to work a puzzle...we all worked a puzzle with her, Cody wanted to sit on the deck and just talk so that we did, Elliott wanted to watch a movie so we all watched a movie with him and me, well, I just enjoyed having my complete family of 4 together. However, I did requested a trip to Dairy Queen and it was granted.

Thank you God for this kindness journey, for my family and for all of the blessings you continue to bestow upon us. To God be the glory, great things He has done!!! So, when was the last time you left a note taped to a mirror telling someone just how special they are to you? When was the last time you truly let them be the center of your world and the sole focus of your attention? When was the last time you helped out someone in your family with household chores? Trust me, to be kind starts from within...within a person and within their family.

The trip with Elliott & the kids was a blessing. They had a week to themselves..sharing, bonding and creating memories that will last a lifetime. The trip also gave us the desire to be home and have this family kindness day.

I couldn't be happier with my life. Thank you God!!!! I want more family kindness days....I really, really loved this special day with my family.

Where will we be next? Stay tuned. Until then....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,

Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

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