Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 17 be still and listen

Friends, I'm so sorry I didn't post day 17 yesterday. My entire day was filled with activities, in celebration of the 4th of July. When I got home, late, I was ready for bed.

Well, I'm not sure if I'm seeing things or if it is so. I'm really beginning to notice that others around me are kinder. I mentioned that the other day. I'm noticing more people holding the door for someone walking behind them, cars allowing others to merge into a lane without honking, cars allowing others to have a parking spot, people offering others to go in front of them in the grocery store line, people with smiles on their faces, care and concern for other people. Is it people are becoming nicer or am I more in tone with the kindness of others now? either way, I like it. So, I guess it is like the old saying is the glass half full or half empty? It's all perspective.

Yesterday, my act of kindness for the day was merely listening. I listened to a friend tell about her current journey and how it is impacting her life. I found myself in the same position several other times throughout the day where nobody wanted me to have answers they simply wanted me to listen. I must say this, out of all the kindness act we have done, was the hardest for me. I'm not use to sitting quietly and listen but that was clear that was what each of them needed from me. God has needed that very thing from me this week as well.(He wants it all the time but has really been wanting me to be still and listen this week) I struggle with being still and listening.

I find it so interesting that we are all on the same journey. However we all have a different path in this journey. Our lives intertwined one with another not by accident or coincidence but by the skillful hand of God the Father. He places people where they need to be to be able to lift others to their feet when they are tired, listen, to be kind, encourage and love. No man is an island, our lives touch other people. How is your life touching others? Is it like a porcupine? sticking people that get close, is it hard as a rock? not allowing anyone near you, are you sticky like cotton candy? is your life sweet and people can stick to you and count on you? Consider today, your life.

Well, enough about me. Cody & Ellie continued the smiling act of kindness today. They smiled at people that passed them by and then added I like your blouse, or I like your purse, or wow, I love your haircut. Ellie told one lady she loved her blouse and the lady smiled, oh so bright, like a firework going off in the sky. Cody complimented a gentleman on his baseball hat and again, the same reaction that Ellie received smiling from ear to ear.

It is a proven fact, kindness can make a world of difference. Elliott got in on the kindness action and was an active listener, was complimentary to others and cleaned off a table (which wasn't ours) at Mc Donalds.

So, remember if you get tagged with kindness hold it in your heart and then go tag someone else.

Where will we be today? (remember, I was too tired to post this last night)stay tuned. Until then.............

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,

Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

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