Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 20 Spaghetti benefit

day 20, found the entire Gollihue family working together. We worked at a spaghetti benefit to raise money for a friend. This friend has no medical insurance and is in need of surgery (which is scheduled for July 13th). The benefit was held at my friend's church, in the fellowship hall. Most people don't get to see in their lifetime how people truly feel about them. My friend isn't one of those people. She was surrounded by people who came out to offer support, love and encouragement to her.

I worked in the capacity of serving spaghetti and was the MC for the music portion of the evening. Cody, Ellie and Elliott poured drinks, cleared tables, washed dishes and rolled up utensils in the pretty napkins.

I stood in a church and watched as the flood gates were opened and God's people kept coming in...one right after another. There are so many good people...from those that donated the spaghetti, salads, bread, etc. Wow, today wasn't about our act of kindness it merely was ALL about God and His greatness!!!!

You know, I can honestly say that I am at a shortage for words. For my friend to be able to have her surgery $529.00 was needed (after donations from individuals, her church and a previous yard sale fundraiser) and we raised $858.50. This wasn't because of anyone or anything....it was ALL because of God almighty!!! Praise be to God whom all blessings flow.

To be a part of this event was a blessing.

Do you know what FROG means? F *fully R *rely O *on G *God....FROG is exactly what happened!!!!!

Have you been tagged by an act of kindness? Did someone compliment you? hold the door open? smile? then you need to hold the kindness in your heart and go tag someone else with kindness.

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then.....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

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