Friday, July 2, 2010

Smile, it's that easy

Today, nothing especially was jumping out at us. No, not serving hot meals, snack baskets, treats for dogs...NOTHING! One thing that has already happened in this journey is we are sensitive to kindness acts either performed with us being the recipients or acts others do for someone else while we are around. I'm seeing people and their actions in ways I never have before.

The day was your typical busy hustle bustle type of summer day. This day was packed with eye Dr. apt. (for me), review my books for my new classes starting, Cody haircut, and sooooo much more.

When Elliott got home from work at 4 we decided we were going to eat out tonight. I had to be someplace at 5 so we were planning on "fun" to start around 7. The idea was to go to the Ashland Town Center mall and simply smile at everyone we made eye contact with. We would further try to engage in a conversation with someone if they appeared to be down.

Are you ready? We were! I got home and we all loaded in the car (all 4 Gollihue family members) I didn't even take the time to get out of the car I just waited in the car for them to come out. On the way to the mall we practiced our smiles. We had so much fun even before we got to the mall.

I laugh, thinking about us parking the car and walking in the parking lot toward the mall doors. We all walked with such confidence, our heads held high, shoulders back and walking with a quick step to our walk. We looked like we were super heroes coming to save the day. I guess, in reality, we were coming to save the bad days some people were having....people we didn't even know. We were going to change the day with smiles!!!

For us the smiling and saying, "hi" started in the parking lot. We passed people and smiled and they immediately smiled back. This is going to work!!!

We all entered the mall and smiled going from one person to another. Elliott & Ellie went in one direction to order their food and Cody & I stayed at Rax. Cody & I smiled and said Hi to the young man working. The Hi turned into a full fledged conversation. He revealed he loves golf, hurt his back playing last week and seeing a chiropractor for his injury. When COdy & I approached Rax this young man seemed as if he had the weight of the world on his the time we left he was smiling and he really seemed to be happy.

Ellie & Elliott had similar experiences where they ordered their food. They smiled and said Hello and they observed how quickly a smile and simple conversation seemed to change the person.

To make a difference is as easy as a smile! You can do it, change the world with your smile!

This was EASY!!! This was FREE!!!! Everyone can do this!!!

Thank you God for this kindness journey!! Thank you for my family!!!!

God please help us learn to be more like you everyday as we take this kindness journey.

God, I pray with this journey you give us your eyes to see the people you would have us see and help them. Help them in kind word or deed. You amaze me God!!!

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then..............

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

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