Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cyrus Chapel UMC & day 25

Wow, today we spoke at Cyrus Chapel UMC about the kindness journey. The Preacher of Cyrus Chapel is my cousin, Kyle Vanover. I was so excited to be surrounded by family as my mom, niece, nephew, Uncle bill (Kyle's dad), Aunt Caroline, cousin Katlyn and her children Aiden and Adeline were all there. Not to mention my cousin Kyle and his wife Amber. To have a loving family is truly one of God's greatest gift to us here on earth.

In preparation for today I re-read the blog to see if I had forgotten any special moments I wanted to mention. I asked the kids what act of kindness has been there favorite to this point in the journey. Well, below is what they told me:

Cody said his favorite is the guy we paid for his gas at Speedway. He said he was having a bad day, we bought his gas then he started smiling. Cody said what was the coolest was he knew we were Christians without us having to tell him...just from our actions.

Miss Ellie said she had a tie. She said she loved the day we went to the Boyd County Animal Shelter because she loves animals. She further stated she liked that they mentioned they were almost completely out of dog food...then we showed up. She said God knew they were almost out and sent us. She said her other favorite was Pat Ross day. She said she loved the bog smile on Pat's face when we surprised her.

I loved so many of them...from the DQ, laundry mat day, and CVS. Wow, so many in just a few amount of days. It is amazing what God can do in a short amount of time.

You know, the greatest reason to do anything kind is because God is soooooo good & kind to us. If we are to model ourselves after Him shouldn't we in turn be kind? God is the kindest being in the universe. I long for the day when people know I'm a Christian without opening my mouth....I want to be known for my good works. I don't do them for me. I want to do them out of love for my neighbor. God shows us soooo much kindness everyday and we aren't deserving at all. I want to be kind! I want my children to be kind, my husband. I want us to be the kind of family that makes God smile because we are making Him proud.

This kindness journey is one that is making the Gollihue family of four closer with each other and with our Almighty God. Thank you God for this kindness journey, thank you for Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie.

Are you wondering what our act of kindness was for today? Well, I received a message from a friend who works at a domestic violence shelter in Morehead, KY. She mentioned that we could make cards and take them Safe Harbor, which is a domestic violence shelter in Ashland. So, today's kindness is in a 2 part series. We made 25 thinking of you, you are special, you are loved, we are praying for you and many others meant to uplift and encourage the women at Safe Harbor. Tomorrow, I will take the handmade cards and a snack basket and deliver to Safe Harbor. (Elliott, Cody, & Miss Ellie are leaving tomorrow for a week long camp) so, I will complete this act of kindness. They will be working as the 3 musketeers doing acts of kindness at Trooper Island camp.

I'm sitting at the computer minutes away from the close of day #25. I'm excited about taking the handmade cards to Safe Harbor tomorrow. I'm sad to see my campers leave for a week but know they will have a special week with Elliott. I pray that we didn't cause anyone to fall asleep at the Cyrus Chapel church this morning. It has been a wonderful day with many blessings. Praise be to God whom ALL blessings flow!

What will we all be up to tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Cody & Miss Ellie

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