Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 26 leave for Trooper Island

If you have been following along in our journey yesterday was day #26. However, the kids and Elliott are at Trooper Island this week...the kindness continues...I just didn't get a kindness update until almost midnight last night.....that was too late to blog.

I miss my campers something awful. However, I praise God that the 3 of them will have this week together. Wow, what memories will be made. Elliott is going to be working with them this week ensuring that they do an act of kindness everyday and then he will report back to me. So, until Friday I will probably be posting a day behind. They will be back Friday evening...Yeah!!!

Well, before the kids left, they started the morning bright and early. Being the children of the State Trooper who is in charge of the campers from our area....you must be at the State Police post early and have all of your stuff ready to go. I woke them up extra early to make more thinking of you cards so I could take them to Safe Harbor (for the women there who are victims of domestic violence) The cards are awesome and from the heart.

(the above picture of them was taken right before they left our house....it was pouring down the rain and for some reason no one wanted to stand in the rain to have a picture taken....sorry half of your face is cut off Miss Ellie)

I left for the office in the middle of a rain storm. I got to the office and was soaked by the time I got there. When I walked into the main doors of our building there was a gentleman standing on the elevator holding the door for me. He said he saw me on the sidewalk and knew I was coming. Do you see what I mean? People are really nice!! Has it always been this way or am I in a special place to where I'm more in tune with kindness? Either way, I like it!! I love to see kind people!!

My act of kindness was I paid for the Wendy's lunch for all of my volunteers that was working with me yesterday at For Jamie's Sake. Also, my Mom and I ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse and I let 3 young ladies go in front of me when I was standing in line to tell them how many in my party. I also made the snack basket for Safe Harbor to go along with the cards the kids made for two days. (the basket didn't get dropped off as my point of contact had the day off....this means the basket is meant to be delivered on a different day.)

Elliott called me a little before midnight last night and told me I didn't need to worry at all about the kids and them being kind. He went on to explain:
He stated there was a little girl who was shy about leaving for Trooper Island...this was at the beginning of there day. He said he didn't say anything at all but he said Ellie saw the little girl (who is Ellie's age) upset and she went over and comforted her. She sat with her on the bus. Elliott said he witnessed Ellie hugging her, teaching her the secret Gollihue handshake and truly being a good friend to this child.

He said when they got to Trooper Island you have to take a boat across to the island. For some reason this same little girl got the clothing she was wearing wet..and they were in search for her luggage. In the meantime, while they were looking for her luggage, Ellie allowed her to change into one of her dry outfits.
Way to go Ellie, you ROCKED the kindness with this little girl!!! I am sooooo proud of you!! Love you to the moon & back, Miss Ellie!!

Elliott said Cody was a leader. He was helping the boys with their luggage. Helping them at the beginning place the luggage on the bus. He was leading the boys in an orderly fashion when they stopped and when they got to Trooper Island he said it was Cody who helped the boys find what cabin they were in and help them make their beds, unpack their luggage and whatever other help they may need. Cody, you ROCKED the kindness as well my little buddy!!!!! Love your guts, Codeman!!!

Praise God for this kindness journey!! Praise God for Elliott, Cody & Ellie!! God is sooo good to me!

Have you been kind to anyone lately? Has someone been kind to you? If so, hold it in your heart and then go tag someone with kindness.

Where will we be next? Stay tuned. Until then.

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

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