Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 7, I overheated & Dairy Queen, shew!!!

Have you ever had those days that nothing and I do mean nothing goes as you have planned? Well, that was today. Starting the day we had planned on doing one act of kindness and I just wasn't feeling it for today.

So, that put us back to thinking mode. Okay, what to do?? what to do?? Well, we had pictures with the awesome For Jamie's Sake family at 10 at Central Park...could we do something there? We decided, not today. Okay, again, back to square one...what would we do today?

We decided we wanted to go to the pool it was sooooo hot. While at the pool, the three of us almost at the same time came up with an idea. We decided, when we were leaving we would pay for 2 children and 1 adult to swim...we would simply, prepay for 3 future swimmers. Well, we left 30 minutes earlier than planned because I apparently became overheated and was violently, no prepaying for future swimmers. I didn't even think about it until I was home and beginning to feel like a human again.

The later in the evening it got the more I felt like, where was the 1st place on my mind???? Dairy Queen!!!!! I know that whenever I'm feeling bad that the cherry arctic rush makes me better in no time is miraculous!!! Ha!! just kidding!!

It was then, when the kids & I decided to venture to Dairy Queen we knew what we would do. We would pay for the person behind us in the drive thru line order. When we pulled into Dairy Queen there was NObody.....and I do mean NObody!!! We pulled in a parking spot and waited until we saw a truck look like it was heading in the direction of the drive thru...yes, we have a winner!!! Cody laughed and said,"what if he has several dinner orders....then what??" I said, "we won't think like that...even though that would be funny!!!" We ordered and drove to the first window (where you pay) when we got to the window the DQ employee had opened the window was hanging out the window waiting for us....when I got ready to hand her our money she told he to wait she was taking the trucks order. When she was ready to collect my money I said, "how much is his order?" You would have thought I had horns growing out of my head the way she looked at me when I asked that question. She then started reading me his order and told me the total. I said,"okay then, we want to pay for his order." "$7.23" she said, "he is with you?" I said, "no, we don't know him we are doing acts of kindness for a year and today is day 7." She said, "wow, dude nobody does that for me." we paid and pulled up to the next window (to claim our order)

The kids scrunched down in the seat, turned around backwards and had the windows down. All of this was to watch and listen as the DQ employee explains to this person he didn't owe anything for his order. Cody kept screaming he is shocked!! Cody & Ellie were so funny they were jumping up and down in the seats like jack in the boxes. This was a pretty "cool" act of kindness. Did you get it?? Cool?? Dairy Queen!!! Ha, ha, ha!! you all didn't know I was a comedian did you?? ha, ha, ha!!!!!

Today showed me not to try to plan every minute of everyday....God has it all under control and He doesn't need my help!! It really made me smile at how excited Cody & Ellie were with this anonymous act of kindness.

God is sooooo good to me!!!! Praise God whom all blessings flow! I have said it before and it is worth repeating, how can you not show kindness everywhere you go when God is sooo kind to us? It amazes me! Kindness is simple and contagious!! a smile, holding the door open for someone else, a phone call to a friend you have spoken to in sometime......what can you do???

What will tomorrow hold? Stay tuned. until then.....

on your mark, get set, be kind.

love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Cody & Miss Ellie


  1. That is so awesome! I'm sure that that man behind you really needed a blessing today and God just worked it all out for you to facilitate that. I'm loving taking this journey of kindness with you!

  2. One of my friends pointed something out to me...the drive thru order came to $7.23. What is awesome about that??? It was $7.23 on the 7th day of our kindness journey. Whoooo hoooo a confirmation that we are doing what we should be doing!!!! Our God is an awesome God he reigns from heaven above!!!!

    I just wanted to share this with you.

  3. Did u also notice that is was the 23rd. How "cool" is that. ;)

  4. Oh my gosh, No, I hadn't noticed that!!! How awesome is our God???!!!! $7.23 for his order on our 7th day of the kindness journey and on the 23rd of June!!! WOW!! I am speechless!!!
