Thursday, June 17, 2010

Make a difference year

Well, it's official!! Cody, Ellie and I have decided that starting today, everyday for the next year, we are going to go out of our way to be kind to others. We will blog on what we did and how people reacted to our kindness (if this applies) if we do something and nobody knows it was from us we are merely going to report how the kindness act made us feel.

The decision to do this has been years in the making, from us talking about "love your neighbor", "be kind one toward another" & many others. Cody & Ellie have been taught that we are blessed not because of anything special we have done but because of God. Furthermore, to whom much is given....much is expected. They have always been expected to do something for others. They understand that God has them here for a purpose and it isn't to be self absorbed.

We have always had names for the days of the terrific Tuesday, wonderful Wednesday, etc. Monday's are "make a difference" Monday. This week we were talking about why only make a difference one day a week? Cody & Ellie were talking about ways to get involved and to help make things better for others. This idea was born....I'm so excited to be embarking on this journey of kindness with my two best friends in the world.

So, together, the three of us, will set out to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To help where we can and do things out of the way, just to be kind.

I can't wait to see what unfolds for us in this kindness, if you receive kindness you hold it in your heart and then give kindness away to someone else. Huh, I guess I will be playing a game of tag with my children. We will be tagging people with kindness in the hope they tag someone else. Wow, can you imagine the kindness revolution?

So, on your mark, get set, be kind.

love ya to the moon & back,
Lea Ann "Annie"


  1. I can't wait to follow you on this journey! You're such a great example of the LOVE of Christ... I am proud to have "met" you through Facebook. You inspire me so much. =)

  2. What a fabulous idea! I can't wait to see what God has in store for y'all. Setting out each day with an intentional expectation to show kindness...that could start a revolution.

  3. Wow super stuff. Reminds me of the Native American Give Away, where they'd each spend a year making something special, like an item of clothing and the at the end the'd heap them up and people who needed things like elderly, sick, young couples would pick their gift first. Also like Dana which is the attitude of giving in the Sarvodaya Buddhist Tradition - they have Dana camps where they build schools roads etc. And then too its like Seva the same thing in Hindu tradition. That attitude of giving is soo beautiful. I once spent time at a chirstian community and they just exemplified this attitude of giving and hospitality; apparently like the early christians. Its so exciting. Yay! I'm starting training for a marathon this weekend, I figure I will be able to give to others and also help myself be able to give more. Can't wait to read your posts. Have added you as my feed, thanks.
