Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pollard Baptist church clothing giveaway, day 13

Today was all about helping the amazing people at Pollard Baptist Church. Last night, I was contacted by one of my friends Angela Newcome, who knew about our kindness journey. She said her grandparents were involved with a a clothing giveaway at their church and they needed volunteers. Pollard hosts a free clothing giveaway the last Tuesday of every month for the community.....more specifically, the Pollard Community in Ashland.

When the kids and I got to the church, I was immediately overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed with the amount of clothing that they had to giveaway. I was also overwhelmed by the feeling that God was there...He was at this clothing giveaway. How awesome is that?

Upon talking with one of the women heading up this ministry she stated that the clothing comes from the church members, other churches and individuals. She mentioned that today they had close to 50 individuals shop up from 4 last month...Praise God!

The role the kids and I had today was clean up detail. The clothing giveaway was over at 2:00 so we got there at 1:30. We came ready to work. Okay, 2:00 came and we were assigned "unofficial" tasks...women's blouses in one stack and place on a table for next month, women's pants handle the same way, men's hats in a box and so on. After the clothing was moved from one room to another in preparation for next month. The tables were moved back into place with 6 chairs around them.

Today was about the people in God's kingdom working to make a difference. The one's who saw the need for a clothing giveaway. This is a ministry of this church. Praise God! I was blessed being a very small part of today's clothing giveaway. You could feel the presence of God in the midst of this event. You could feel His love and mercy being poured down on the workers and the shoppers.

I stand amazed out God's goodness. I can't imagine how hard those individuals worked by themselves to set this event up for others. It truly was an honor to be there with them, even for a brief moment in time.

Today's volunteers I met are heroes, they are putting others needs before themselves. They are truly the example of God's goodness and kindness. I am so glad that the kids and I were able to spend one of our days on the kindness journey at Pollard Baptist at the clothing giveaway.

Thank you God for the people at Pollard that heard your calling, saw the need and got busy. Thank you! God, please bless each one of them in a very special way. Thank you God for my family, this kindness journey and for your love and kindness that you show us.

Our God is an awesome God he reigns from Heaven above!!!!

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then.....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Cody & Miss Ellie

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