Thursday, July 22, 2010

Safe Harbor & Harbor Hill

Today, the kids and I knew without a doubt, unless God changed our plans what we wanted to do. We wanted to go to Safe Harbor and take the cards and snack basket we made them. If you remember from last week the kids worked for 2 days on these cards for the residents. Safe Harbor is a place where women and children can go to escape a domestic violence situation.

Afternoon came and it was time to make our delivery to Safe Harbor. We parked in the parking lot and immediately we were met by a locked door and had to buzz an intercom to explain our business there. Once I explained why we were there we were buzzed into a living room type area. We were greeted by a lady named Pauline, who was eager to tell Cody & Ellie more about Safe Harbor & Harbor Hill. She explained where she was going to take the cards and the snack basket. She was precise and to the point, not leaving any detail out. I could see by the look on Cody & Ellie's face that they were soaking in every word that Pauline had to say. She was a wealth of information and a blessing to be with. As I stood there listening to Pauline, I just had this warm sensation that many lives have been touched because of what they are doing. They are doing great things!!They are changing lives for the better everyday for women and children.

Pauline explained to the kids and I how we can get involved in the movement to stop Domestic violence...we can be a green dot. This is a new incentive started in Frankfort...instead of looking at statistics of "red" where women have been abused. Look at areas of "green" where people are taking a stand and saying no more domestic violence. Pauline told Miss Ellie it could be simply seeing your friends Dad yelling at her and going over and asking her if she is okay. We want to be a green dot.

The kids and I thanked Pauline for her time and we headed out to the parking lot. We left the building with Pauline as she was headed out to deliver our cards and snack basket. She thanked the kids on behalf of all the women and children. We no sooner got in the car and Cody said, "this is a neat place. This is where I want to work." Ellie was moved to tears. When I asked her why she was crying she said, "it is awful that anyone gets hurt by anybody and has to be protected. She said why does anybody have to hurt others?"

This stop certainly made an impression on Cody, Ellie & I. It was nice for them to see this for themselves. Being the children of a State Trooper they have heard him tell stories of when he utilized there wonderful services for someone. Praise God that this place is here for those that need it.

I know that within this year we will be back to Safe Harbor. If you haven't helped them in the past call them and find out ways that you can. They are simply amazing!!! Pauline, you are a God send!! Thank you God for this kindness journey, thank you God for Safe Harbor and Harbor Hill, thank you for all of the workers and God please put a hedge of protection around the women that are currently residing there. Thank you God for Cody & Ellie and their fragile hearts.

God, you are an awesome God!

Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Cody & Miss Ellie

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