Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thank you on Independence Day

On Day 18, Lt. Col Gollihue a.k.a. Elliott (my hubby) was in charge. He declared, early in the day, what we would do for our act of kindness. He suggested, since it is Independence Day (July 4th) that we say thank you to everyone that we know that has served in any branch of the military. (whether peacetime or during a war)

On our way to church he began by calling out the names of individuals he knew that were veterans. He suggested that we go up to them and say thank you for fighting for our freedom. He made sure that the kids fully understood the reason for thanking them today and to take this act of kindness seriously.

The first person thanked, a Vietnam veteran, was thanked by Elliott. It was clear to see by the look on his face that he was shocked. He even said that it took him a minute to figure out exactly what he meant by the thank you.

Cody thanked someone and had a similar experience. Miss Ellie thanked a Vietnam veteran as he was getting in his car getting ready to leave. He got out of the car and shook Ellie's hand and thanked her for her thank you to him.

We also thanked some family members who currently have deployed soldiers.

It was this time last year, that Elliott was deployed (on his second deployment) and we were celebrating 4th of July without him.

It really felt good to thank the soldiers and families. Elliott wanted to make sure that they each knew how much we appreciate what they gave for us to be free.

Elliott, thank you! Thank you for your willingness to answer your country's call not just once but twice. Thank you God for this kindness journey with my family. Thank you for my family. Thank you for our freedoms and liberties. Thank you for bravery of so many men and women. Cody & Ellie thank you for the bravery you showed when dad was deployed twice. You are amazing children!! I can't wait to see what God does with you in the future.

Thank a vet for your freedom. I received an e-mail today that said there are only 2 people in your life willing to die for is Jesus Christ and the other is the American Soldier. Thank you God for Jesus and for our American Soldiers.

God bless the U.S.A.

Okay, you know the rules..if you were tagged with kindness hold it in your heart and then go tag someone else. Where will we be tomorrow? Stay tuned. Until then.....

On your mark, get set, be kind.

Love you to the moon & back,
Annie, Elliott, Cody & Miss Ellie

1 comment:

  1. Awesome day Lea Ann!! Don't think people think enough about what our military does for us so we can have the freedoms we do!!! Thanks to all the active military & veterans out there...And Thank You to your hubby..Thanks Elliott!
